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Top 5 Myths about HRMS software in UAE

Myths about HRMS HCM Software in Dubai

Top 5 Myths about HRMS software in UAE

Are you facing problems in handling paperwork’s? Is your desk filed with pile of papers? If you are worried about the time to process paperwork and to remove costly payroll errors, it might be the time have a good HR and Payroll software that adheres the UAE labour law and WPS compliance.

If you have concerns about moving to a new HRMS software then you are not alone, even after its popularity there are lot misconception about HR and Payroll software. Let’s look at 5 of the biggest myths about HRMS software.

  1. HRMS/HCM Software is too expensive

 Most HRMS/HCM software does not often work as a box product; it has to be customized based on your requirement. Some high-end global HR software can be too expensive for small and medium companies. Technical advancements such as mobile and cloud computing has made HR and payroll software more affordable for SMEs. By automating your HR, you can reduce the costs of your administrative processes. In addition, some HRMS software companies in Dubai may offer variable pricing packages depending on your requirements.

  1. HRMS/HCM software takes too long to implement

The time required for an HR and payroll software implementation generally will be based numerous factors, such as the size of the business, the number of users, the degree of customization, the amount of data migration, and the availability of resources. When the requirement is less and there is no customization, HRMS system can be implemented within a month or two. In case of a cloud based HR solution implementation takes very short period of time and can be accessed by any authorised employee with an internet connection. Brainsphere’s HCM – Human Capital Management system developed in Dubai as per WPS compliance handles the complete HR & Payroll process from recruitment to retirement both on-cloud and on premise.

  1. Cloud based HRMS/HCM Solution is not secure.

For HR professional this is the main concern when moving to a cloud based HR and Payroll software. They fear that in cloud based HR software they will lose the control and access to the data, someone can easily hack their data, they can’t ensure payroll compliance when the data is in cloud. In fact cloud based HRMS software is more secure than the traditional HR software. Software Vendors like Brainsphere it solutions provide the highest standard security than some typical in-house IT department. Brainsphere HCM system can be hosted on cloud and as well as on premise managed by experts with 99.9% uptime, constant back-ups and high security level helps HR and IT department life much simple.

  1. HRMS/HCM software is all about style over substance

This myth come from traditional HR providers who envy the modern HRMS software. As modern HR and Payroll solutions are attractively designed and provides advanced features makes it very user friendly and simple. Moreover, features like Document expiry alerts, ESS portals, Time and attendance integration, appraisal system, accommodation module, PRO module , transportation module and graphic-rich reports are packed with accurate and informative data. If HR and Payroll system is only about style with no substance then no employees would use it.

  1. HRMS/HCM software cannot be integrated with other applications.

This is another misconception that we usual hear from inexperienced IT and HR department. A Best HR and Payroll solutions like Brainphere’s HCM can seamlessly integrates with external systems and other global ERP solutions. This is done so seamlessly that data’s does not have to be manually entered between applications.

Brainsphere IT Solution, Modern HRMS Software are rapidly replacing traditional HR processes. Visit us on www.brainsphereit.com  to learn why you should switch to an HR and Payroll system. Reach us on +971 52 640 3909 or info@brainsphereit.com for a free demo of our HRMS Software. 

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