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10 Easy Steps to follow for selecting the Best Software Solution for your Business/Company

10 Easy steps to the Best Software Solution

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) can improve internal business practices and help you to maximize the customer experience.
With so many options available in the market, selecting the right software solution can be a difficult task. Many get confused and put off the selection process/afraid of making the wrong choice because of the number of competing products and the time required to evaluate them.

Following these 10 aspects of software selection will help you make a good decision when choosing software for your business!

1) Need Analysis

While this appears to be glaringly self-evident, I have lost tally of IT firms I have worked with throughout the long term that began with an item search rather than a plainly characterized need. A necessities examination is key and addresses the meaning of the objectives and destinations to be accomplished as the consequence of gaining new software. A thorough requirements examination must be performed in corresponding with an IT Service Management measure development appraisal.

First, allocate a budget to the software. The software should be able to cater your business needs and it should not be a liability later. So first step is knowing what you want with the software and how much you are willing to pay for it. Generally, the cost of the software depends on the various features it supports. Most cases you may not need all the features available in the software. So according to your software requirements pick a decent ERP software that matches your budget.

2)  Specify the requirements.

Check the Usability requirements, by “usability”, I mean ease-of-use. Know about the skillset of your own team. In addition, check how user-friendly the software is and also assess the learning curve for your team. Important requirements to capture are: –

 Functional requirements – what do you need the software to do. It is easy to take things for granted at this stage, so take your time and list everything.
 Usability requirements. By “usability” I mean ease-of-use. Think carefully and honestly about the skillset of your own team. Are they going to be comfortable using a command-line tool, are they used to navigating using keyboard shortcuts, or are they mousers? These criteria are difficult to articulate, but do not lose track of them!
 Technological preferences. Do you want a cloud-based system or on-premises? Windows or Mac? Should the data be housed in a SQL Server instance, or Oracle? You get the idea.
 Budgetary requirements. At what price would the system actually save you money – i.e. provide you with a Return on Investment (ROI)?
 Reporting requirements. Will you need reports from the system? If so, what needs to be included? Should these be emailed to you, or presented as dashboards?

3)  Scalability.

The software should adapt to the changing needs of the organisation. You should choose software for the long run, seeing where your business would be in future. Do not buy cheap software thinking to use it temporarily and change it in future. A good ERP should grow with the growth of your business. Consider if the system features can support and enhance your business strategy. This is especially important for new, growing businesses to consider.

4) Larger View

 You should consider the views and opinions of the users/ stakeholders of the software especially account department/production/stores/HR. Also Ask colleagues, employees, and other contacts outside your company about what they use or recommend for a company like yours.

5) Due Diligence 

Do your examination/due diligence. Your software must have all the features you need. It should have all the required modules for your business. Most of the ERP software in the UAE comes in different versions and technologies. Look for software, which provides future updates based on the changes in technology and to cater to your future needs. You may discover items or sellers that have not endured the examiner yet, thus merit a look

6) ROI/Value for Money

Value for Money / (ROI- Return on Investment):- Software should be worth the money you spend, this aspect; you should keep in mind before buying any Software. Selecting the right package help you get the best value. Prices vary greatly for the same lines of products. So look for the most suitable software for your business.

7) Vendor requirements

Perhaps this includes the vendor’s roadmap for future development, current user volumes, years in business, or support response times. One of the most important point you should consider is the after-sales services. The Software provider must provide after-sales service. Most of the Software Company in the UAE does not have a support team locally available. It’s important to have a local support team in case of any urgent support. Good after-sales support must have a dedicated support team, and local service Centre.

8) Negotiation

This is where you start to finalise the finer details of the system. Make sure you address the business issues, such as implementation time, support levels, service availability and payment terms – not just price. When looking at final costs don’t forget to include all likely costs: such as licence, support and implementation costs.

9) Prioritize & Set Clear Goals

Implementing an ERP system is a huge undertaking and you won’t see results overnight. At the very beginning, it’s important to set clear goals for your project and prioritize steps of the process. If you don’t prioritize and set goals, the benefits of a new ERP system may not be immediately recognizable. Determine which is a priority – functions, processes or analytics? Consider whether all areas need to be integrated now or whether some areas can still work using their existing systems. From there, you can set clear goals and you have evidence that you’re heading in the right direction even when the project itself may seem chaotic.

10) How do we want to use this software?

Knowing what you want to get out of the software you use will help you get closer to the right choice for your business. Here are some requirements to consider:
 Features (all the things you need it to do)
 Number of users (if you need separate accounts for each user)
 Ease of use (how easy it will be for your team to use)
 Integrations (how it interacts with other software you use)
 Growth potential (how well the software will meet future needs)
 Pricing (how much you’re willing to spend on the software)

Following these steps will help you make the right decision next time you are looking for a new or replacement system. You and your organization will be much more likely to be one of the ERP success stories rather than one of the ERP nightmares we’ve all read about. One more thing is that choosing the right package alone does not guarantee success, installation of the software, integration into your current business, staff training, as well as ongoing monitoring and maintenance. All these are factors, which decides the success of ERP software. What volumes do you currently experience? Do you expect these volumes to rise over the next 2 to 5 years?

To conclude, you need to have proper planning before selecting a Software vendor. And we are here to help you with your specific software project, we can give you all the consultation required for implementing the ERP for your business please get in touch with us +971 52 640 3909 or email info@brainsphereit.com for a free demo.

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